Where to buy moving boxes
Where To Buy Moving Boxes (And Get Them For Free)
Post updated May 18, 2022
Moving can be hard enough without the hassle of having to find good sturdy moving boxes. But, it’s usually the first necessary step before you can start packing.
While finding good packing boxes for free is always ideal, knowing where to buy boxes for moving can help speed up the process. To help get you started, here are your best options for both buying moving boxes and finding them for free.
Where to Buy Moving Boxes:
If you’ve included money in your moving budget for moving supplies, then buying new cardboard boxes can save you a lot of time and hassle. Having uniform box sizes makes packing a little easier, and new, unused boxes are often sturdier.
In addition, wherever you find cardboard boxes for sale, it’s likely that business will also have additional packing and shipping supplies available at the same place, which can be handy.
Most of our BigSteelBox Stores sell packages of cardboard packing boxes in various sizes as well as other packing supplies, such as moving blankets and ratchet straps. Our moving and storage specialists can help you figure out how many packing boxes you’ll need so you’re getting the right number for your move.
While you may be able to purchase packing boxes less expensively from other places, if you move with a BigSteelBox we’ll deliver your packing boxes and supplies with your container, which many customers find very convenient.
Home Depot
Home Depot has a range of cardboard box packages in various sizes. They sell boxes both individually (as low as $0.78/box) and in bundles of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 depending on the size. They also have a handy online calculator where you can enter details about your move and they will suggest the number and size of boxes you will need. Their selection ranges from simple rectangular boxes to full size wardrobe boxes and TV boxes and they have easy-to-find locations all across Canada.
By visiting a U-Haul location, you can find boxes for shipping and moving your belongings. They sell moving box kits designed for you with a number of boxes depending on how many rooms you’re packing. These kits range from the Apartment Kit, to the 4+ Bedroom Moving Kit and include a variety of sizes and styles. U-Haul also sells individual boxes and stocks specialty boxes for clothing, kitchen items, and electronics.
UPS Store
UPS is known for helping people ship items all over the world and they carry moving and packing supplies at their stores. They carry multiple sizes of cardboard boxes and make custom boxes if you need protection for a unique item, but they are definitely not the most cost effective option. You can also hire UPS to pack your items and send them to your new location, including large items such as pool tables and motorcycles! Prices vary depending on the store so stop into your local UPS Store to ask advice on what types of boxes you need and get a quote.
Staples has a huge selection of cardboard boxes to pack all your belongings, not only your office supplies. They have bundles of packing boxes ranging from 5 to 60 boxes per bundle. They include multi-depth boxes and double wall corrugated boxes for your heavy items. There are fewer options for individual boxes unless you’re buying a large size box, but by bundling, you can get a great price for moving boxes.
Where to Get Free Moving Boxes
The following is a list of places where you can find free cardboard boxes if you’re trying to save some money or need a few extra boxes to finish packing:
Liquor Store
This is usually the first place people look for free boxes so you may want to call ahead to see when the store gets its deliveries and has excess boxes. Liquor boxes are ideal because they are sturdy and can include dividers and lids.
Need boxes to hold your heavy items? No better place to look than a bookstore. Book boxes are more than capable of handling whatever you need to pack, and most bookstores get a shipment once a week.
Facebook Marketplace / Kijiji
Searching online for people who need to get rid of used packing boxes is another good option for finding cheap or free moving boxes. People move every day, so there is likely someone getting rid of boxes in your local area.
Local Businesses
If you visit your local mall, try asking retail locations if they have boxes in the back. If a store has just received a shipment, there is a good chance they still have a pile of boxes in the back waiting to be recycled.
Grocery Stores
Grocery stores are another common place for you to get free moving boxes. Produce boxes are generally solid and strong so they would be great for packing. You can count on grocery stores having boxes any day of the week, which is an added bonus. You can find a variety of sizes that are large and very strong.
If you’re still looking for a moving service or you need packing supplies, contact us today at 1-800-373-1187 and we’ll be happy to help!